February 8, 2010

February 8-14

Monday, February 8
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm. Call Emily Anthon with questions.

Wednesday, February 10
Book of Mormon Class:
7:00 pm. Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Saturday, February 13
Relief Society Service Project: 6:30 am. Providing, making, & serving breakfast for PATH (People Assisting The Homeless) 2346 Cotner Ave, LA 90064. RSVP to Linda Smith lindasmitty4@aol.com or 310.557.3018.

Sunday, February 7
Regular Church Meetings:
12:00 pm–3:00 pm
Monthly Family History Night: High Priest Group–7:30pm at the Marsh home for Family History Night. Bring your laptops & waffle toppings!

Save The Date
Relief Society Fireside: Friday, Feb 19 @ 7 pm. Home of Linda Smith. Patriarch Millard will speak, and a light dinner will be served. RSVP to Linda Smith., see info above.
Relief Society Sustainable Gardening: Wednesday, Feb 24 @ 7 pm. Home of Fran Andersen
Stake Temple Day: Saturday, February 27. All day event with a chapel session at 3:30 pm.

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