February 1, 2010

February 1 through February 7

Monday, February 1
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm. Call Emily Anthon with questions.

Tuesday, February 2
Temple Sealings:
12:30 pm at the LA Temple. 3 men & 3 women are needed, contact Debra Parker 310.488.7409 to participate.

Wednesday, February 3
Book of Mormon Class:
7:00 pm. Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Sunday, February 7
Regular Church Meetings: 12:00 pm–3:00 pm, Westwood Chapel.
Break the Fast: 3:00 pm in the Westwood Chapel Cultural Hall immediately following Sacrament Meeting. Contact Debra Parker to contribute to the Salad Bar Pot Luck. See flyer below.

Save The Date
February 27:
Stake Temple Day—More information to follow.

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