January 25, 2010

January 25 through January 31

Monday, January 25
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm. Call Emily Anthon with questions.

Wednesday, January 27
Book of Mormon Class: 7:00 pm. Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Friday, January 29
MOVED—Preach My Gospel Class: 7 pm, LA Stake Center. This study-group class, driven by the church's mission: Proclaim The Gospel, is aimed at: fostering gospel knowledge, equipping one to be more effective member-missionaries, All members, friends, & investigators invited and welcome. Kindly bring along: Scriptures, notepad, & a friend. Contact: Alfonso Vernon (overseeing Bishopric) 323.470.5933 or alfonsobusinessorg@ hotmail.com

Saturday, January 30
Relief Society Cannery Trip: 9 am, Meet at the Cannery (2730 E 12th St, LA, CA 90023) at 9 am, or if you are interested in carpooling call Linda Smith. You must RSVP to this activity by Jan 28th (Linda Smith) as we need to give a final head count.
Primary Read-a-Thon: 10:00am to 12:00 noon at the Westwood Chapel. The Primary will be holding a Read-a-Thon to benefit humanitarian relief efforts. Children need to get sponsors before the day of the Read-a-Thon. Please encourage your children to participate. If you have questions, please call Krisha Deaver: 310.913.0706

Sunday, January 31
Regular Church Meetings: 12:00 pm–3:00 pm, Westwood Chapel.

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