October 9, 2009

Testimonies Needed

Just heard about this and thought some of you might be interested.

The LDS Church Audiovisual Department is preparing a kiosk for the new L.A. Visitor's Center based upon the life of Jesus Christ. They're looking for testimonies that relate to specific aspects of his life. They're going to be at the Westwood Bldg TOMORROW (Saturday) from 9 am to 4 pm putting members on tape talking about their testimony of Christ. Then Salt Lake will decide who to include, then they'll come back to LA to do the official taping.

So if you are free, please come to the Westwood Bldg anytime between 9 and 4 and do a brief interview on tape. They'd love ANYONE to come.

To get thinking of what to share, the following are some questions to possibly ponder:

  • Do you have an experience in your life where it was important to follow the promptings of the spirit to "come with haste" to the Savior?
  • When Christ pardoned the woman taken in adultery, he said "Go, and sin no more." (John 8:3-11) Do you have an experience in your life where these words were deeply meaningful?
  • Have you been able to overcome or weather one of life's "storms" (cancer, loss of loved one, etc.) through Christ's calming power?Have you had an experience in your life where loving your neighbor has had special meaning?

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