March 23, 2015

This Week

Monday, March 23
Resume, Cover Letter, and Profile Help: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center. 9am–3pm. Learn More. 

Tuesday, March 24
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center. 9 am–4:30 pm. Learn more.
Young Men's and Young Women's: Westwood Building at 7 pm.
Storytime at the Temple Visitors' Center: Every Tuesday at 10:30 am. Please invite friends to join! 

Wednesday, March 25
Music Makers: Another great gathering for Moms and kids which is held every Wednesday at 10:45 am SHARP in the room we meet in for Relief Society. Music Makers is a chance for young children to get their wiggles out by dancing and playing to music. If you're interested in leading please contact Laura Redford.

Thursday, March 26
Park Day for Parents and Kids: From 10:30am-1 pm. March 26: Roxbury Park (Roxbury and Olympic)

Friday, March 27
Easter Musical program: "The Garden" (words and music by Michael McLean and Bryce Neubert; performance by Santa Monica stake members) at 7:30 p.m. at the LA Temple Visitors' Center. Invite friends, neighbors and family.

Saturday, March 28
Easter Musical program: "The Garden" (words and music by Michael McLean and Bryce Neubert; performance by Santa Monica stake members) at 7:30 p.m. at the LA Temple Visitors' Center. Invite friends, neighbors and family.
Saturday, March 28
Easter Egg Hunt: 11am-12pm at the Westwood Building. Please drop off 12 plastic eggs filled with goodies for each child to someone in the Primary Presidency before the event or bring the filled eggs to the ball field by 10:30 am the day of the hunt. Potluck lunch to follow. If you are willing and able, please sign up to bring an item for the potluck, we still need help, sign up here!
General Women's Session: 5 pm at the LA Stake Center. Learn more.
Food Needed: we have been asked to provide one fruit tray and one vegetable tray for the reception following Women's Conference on Saturday, March 28 at 5:00 pm. See signup sheet in binders and flyers.

Sunday, March 29
Church Meetings: 9 am—Sacrament Meeting, 10:20 am—Relief Society/Elders' Quorum, 11:20 am—Sunday School.
Choir Practice: 12:30 pm every Sunday in the Westwood 1st Ward's Relief Society Room.
Ward Open House: on the fifth Sunday, March 29, on the ballfield after our meetings. There will be signups for the lunch. Please plan to invite friends to this gathering.
MidSingles 5th Sunday full block: of meetings start at 2:30 p.m. at the Los Angeles Stake Center (1209 S. Manhattan Place 90019). For all MSAs from the greater LA area. Food and socializing afterward. 
Easter Musical program: "The Garden" (words and music by Michael McLean and Bryce Neubert; performance by Santa Monica stake members) at 7:30 p.m. at the LA Temple Visitors' Center. Invite friends, neighbors and family.


Tuesday, March 31
Special Olympics Volunteer Deadline: We need 3-4 volunteers for 5 consecutive days and 3-4 “Fans in the stands” team captains for the World Games July 25-August 2. Sign up at: More info: Rebecca Wallace at 310-927-5013.

Every Tuesday in March 
Storytime at the Temple Visitors' Center: Every Tuesday at 10:30 am. Please invite friends to join!

Saturdays in April
We begin our turn to clean the building on Saturday April 4 and continue on Saturdays in April. Please sign up for at least one of those shifts. The first and second Saturdays should be pretty easy because there will be no Sunday meetings in the building on Sunday April 5.

April 4 and 5
Worldwide Semi-Annual General Conference: At Westwood Bldg, Visitors’ Center or Sat.: 9 – 11 a.m., 1 – 3 p.m., Priesthood: 5 – 7 p.m. Sun:  9 – 11 a.m., 1 – 3 p.m. Invite friends, home & visiting teaching families!

Saturday, April 18
Los Angeles Day of Community Service (formerly Mormon Helping Hands) from 8 a.m. To 12 p.m. (noon). Three options to get involved: School and street clean-up at West Adams High school (1500 W Washington Blvd. 90007), men's clothing and shoe drive at the Vermont building (3115 S. Vermont Ave. 90007), mending donations and writing cards to the Children's Hospital at the Vermont Building. Lunch will be served at the Vermont Building at 12 p.m. noon.  We'll be joining SARAH (Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope) and the Compassion Games in addition to other local churches and groups. Please invite friends, neighbors, family! Go to for event registration and info. 

Saturday, April 25-Sunday, April 26
Los Angeles Stake Conference.  More info to come. 

Saturday, May 30
Stake Relief Society Service Project: Days for Girls International at the LA Stake Center from 9am-1pm. Days for Girls International is a non-profit organization that helps girls stay in school and retain dignity. Most girls in developing countries miss school while menstrating and eventually drop out. We can do something about this trend by empowering girls and women and communities with access to sustainable feminine hygiene products. We are accepting donations prior to the event (please give to Garnet Johnson or Valecia Sarmento). Items to donate: thread of any color (polyester), washcloths, soap (hotel size), ziplock brand freezer bags, gallon size, underpants (girls' sizes 10, 12, 14). We will be making lovely, high-quality feminine hygiene kits. There will be many tasks, tracing, cutting, ironing, sewing, and assembling. Please come join us!


Service Opportunity: Carol Poland would like help packing to move. Please call her to coordinate time Monday - Friday this week, 323-872-3515. The move is Saturday, March 21.

Service Opportunity: Cards would be appreciated as former ward member, Jean MacDonald, recuperates from surgery for a broken leg - her address is 2570 North Castle Rock Dr., Tucson AZ 85749, Phone: 520-270-3969.

Service Opportunity: Please also consider visiting a sister not in our ward who is currently receiving long-term treatment for an autoimmune disorder at Cedars-Sinai.  A single sister, Lauren Soffer, has communicated that she would like to meet and receive visits from Relief Society sisters in our ward during her stay at Cedars-Sinai.  Lauren is in Room 7S 68 of Safferstien Critical Care Tower at 8020 Beverly Blvd.  Lauren would like you to text or call her on her cell phone, 805-341-3096, with your name and time you would like to come.  She hopes to avoid conflicts that way.  Be aware that you will need to put on a gown and gloves (for her protection) and be prepared to encounter her with several wires and tubes she is hooked up to.  Visitors should be in good health and should not bring children with them.  Thank you in advance for your kindness to her during this time of being away from her family!

Service Opportunity: Gerry Oakford is now home from the convalescent center with family helping her out.  She would enjoy phone calls if you canmake contact with her to let her know we're thinking about her.

Family History Work: Free subscriptions to the FamilySearch partner sites,, and are available to ALL Latter-day Saints. Click here for more information!

Meet the Mormons is now playing at the Visitors' Center at 7 p.m. most nights. Invite friends to see it for free.

Temple Work: If you have family names you need temple work done for, you can give them to Melissa and Dan Johnson by emailing, who will help you do them.  Also, if anyone would like to do family names for someone in our ward, please contact Melissa and Dan and they'll help you get the cards to do on your own.

Volunteer at the Prison: If you'd like to volunteer to visit the prison with other members of the stake, please contact Scott for more information:

Remember to do and report your Visiting Teaching: Once it's done (and even if it's not!) please report your visiting teaching to your visiting teaching supervisor the first week of every month for the previous month. Please also let your supervisor know how your sisters are doing and if there are any needs.

Upload Your Photo: Visit and log in to upload your photo to our new online directory and print a new photo directory from home. Learn more
Update your lds tools app on your smart phone and you'll be able to upload your photo/s directly from your smart phone. Please contact Kristen Curran with questions:

Playdates in the Park: A gathering for moms and young kids who want to get together at local parks to play with other moms and kids. See above for more information. Time is from 2:30-5:00.  Come and go as your schedule permits. The day of the week changes each month.

Music Makers: Another great gathering for Moms and kids which is held every Wednesday at 10:15 am in the room we meet in for Relief Society. Questions or want to be added to the email list? Contact Rachel McKissick Music Makers is a chance for young children to get their wiggles out by dancing and playing to music. 

Emergency Preparedness reminder: 
 The First Presidency recommends building a three-month supply of food. Each month a recipe will be provided that includes nonperishable food items. When storing food it is important to keep track of expiration dates and store food in proper conditions.  The First Presidency recommends to store what you eat and eat what you store. This allows a rotation of the food before the expiration date. Cooking without power is another concern in times of emergency. The following website list the many options available: There are instructions on how to build your own oven using cardboard, foil, and charcoal or links on where to purchase solar oven. Our goal is to make some progress every month. Good luck.

The Los Angeles Family History Library: wants to remind you that we are open and are offering a variety of classes to meet the needs of the community. The center is open from 12-5 pm the second Sunday of every month. Classes offered at the Family History Library at 10741 Santa Monica Boulevard, are listed at or call 310-474-9990.

Addiction Recovery Program: through The Los Angeles California Stake/LDS Family Services. Confidential recovery and support groups for individuals and family members. For more information, call 424.255.8277 or email Learn more about meeting schedules.

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