May 31, 2011

May 30–June 5

Monday, May 30
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm contact Brenda Smith for information.

Wednesday, June 1
Summer BBQs: Starting this Wednesday.... 6:00pm and continuing every Wednesday for the "ENTIRE" Summer !!! Westwood Building in the Ballfield BBQ Pits by Home Plate, 10740 Ohio Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Why: Because there is nothing like BBQ'd Food to build your testimony by sharing it with the Non-Members in attendance...What to Bring: 1 - Bring a Friend (Preferably someone who needs the Gospel in their Lives) 2 - Bring whatever it is you like to Grill.... (Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Steaks, Chicken)Note: The Coals, Plates, Napkins, Utensils, and Drinks are supplied. 3 - Bring a side dish of your choosing to share with all... (Salads, Beans, Corn, Veggies, Potato Salads, Macaroni Salads. Please Re-Read What to Bring... #1 See You Wednesday 6:00pm !!! Click here to RSVP on Facebook!

Book of Mormon Class: 7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Saturday, June 4
Stake Primary Presents:
The Amazing Race—Daddy Daughter Edition: Saturday, June 4, 5–7 pm at the Westwood Building. For primary-aged girls and their Dad’s (or Male Support Figures) Prepare to face detours and road blocks designed to challenge your mind and body, and to promote fun, laughter, and bonding. Followed by a feast! Click here to RSVP on Facebook so your friends know that you're attending.

Sunday, June 5
Ward Choir:
Usually 8 am in the Choir Loft every Sunday (except 6/5 & 6/12) all are welcome, babysitting will be provided.
Regular Church Meetings: 9 am-12 pm. 9 am: Sacrament Meeting. 10:20 am: Relief Society, Priesthood, YW/YM, Primary. 11:20 am: Sundays School, Primary.

For your Information
Addiction Recovery Program:
through The Los Angeles California Stake/LDS Family Services. Confidential recovery and support groups for individuals and family members. For more information, call 424.255.8277 or email Learn more about meeting schedules.
Emergency Prep Item of the Month: First Aid Kit! That's right, every 72-hour kit needs a First Aid Kit! First aid kits range from fully loaded metal cases to simplified kits. I recommend putting a simplified kit in your 72 hour kit so that your kit remains as compact and portable as possible. Here are a few finds: Target: Travel First Aid Kit $1.00—This is a VERY basic first aid kit. I put one in each of my little kids 72-hour kits. It is found in the travel sized bin area. Amazon: Lifeline 85 Piece First Aid Kit On Sale for $16.19. Costco: First Aid Only - 195-piece First Aid Kit $28.99. If you are interested in having Natalie order these items for you, please get her money no later than the 3rd Sunday of the month. Got Questions? Call or email Natalie Marsh.
Yoga Classes: Thursdays... beginning June 9th at 8:15 am and Tuesdays... beginning June 14th at 6:45 pm at the Westwood Building. Classes taught by Jennifer Sachs (Rebecca Panther's Daughter). Jennifer is working on her Yoga Certification and is offering free yoga classes for the sisters of our ward and their friends! Please RSVP to Rebecca (310) 968-2150 so that she knows how many to expect.
LA Stake Employment & Networking: Click here to join the Stake Facebook Group—Be sure to also visit our Ward Employment Blog.
Home & Visiting Teaching: June Visiting Teaching Message and June Home Teaching Message.

Looking Ahead
Emergency Prep Eagle Project:
Sat, June 11 at the Westwood Building from 10 am–1 pm. Abraham Rose’s Eagle Project will focus on emergency preparedness training and is promising to be a great event for the community. Come and Learn more about Home Emergency Evacuation, Home Safety, Community Disaster, 72-Hour Kits, First Aid Kits, General First Aid Instruction, Family & Community Communications, For more info or questions, please contact Abraham Rose at Click here to RSVP on Facebook so your friends know you're attending.
Baptism of Samanu (Noelle Somkin's son): Saturday, June 11, 11 am at the LA Stake Center. 1209 S. Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, CA 90019.
Summer BBQs: Every Wednesday 6:00pm for the "ENTIRE" Summer !!! Westwood Building in the Ballfield BBQ Pits by Home Plate, 10740 Ohio Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024.
The African American Affairs Council Presents—A Fireside: From the Panthers to the Priesthood: The Eddie and Wanda Willis Story: Sunday, June 12, 6 pm at the Westwood Building. Hear the riveting story of two lives once caught up in the “do as you please” hippie era and the Black Panther Activist Movement. Hear how their lives were transformed as they embraced the more excellent way of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Invite your friends and family, refreshments will be served.
Relief Society Activity: Thursday June 30 at 6:30 pm at the Westwood Building. Join us for dinner & an informative and inspirational short film.
Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium: Friday, July 22. The Game begins at 7:10 pm and will be followed by Fireworks. Tickets are $12 each and $28 each for all you can eat. Contact Jay Bird or Richard Blackburn for tickets. Click here to RSVP on Facebook so your friends know you're attending.

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