March 7, 2011

March 7–13

Monday, March 7
Resume, Cover Letter & Profile Help:
Every Monday except holidays at the LA California Employment Resource Center 9:30am–3 pm. Click here for more information.
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7 pm at the Westwood Building, contact Brenda Smith for information.

Tuesday, March 8
The Career Workshop for Professionals:
Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. Click here for more information.

Wednesday, March 9
Book of Mormon Class:
7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Thursday, March 10
The Career Workshop for Professionals:
Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. Click here for more information.

Sunday, March 13
Ward Choir Practice:
8 am in the Choir Loft every Sunday, all are welcome, babysitting will be provided.
Regular Church Meetings: 9 am–12 pm. 9 am: Sacrament Meeting. 10:20 am: Relief Society, Priesthood, YW/YM, Primary: 11:20 am: Sunday School, Primary.
LA Visitors' Center Programs: Japanese Fireside—Faith on March 13 at 5 pm
Stake Music Fireside: Sunday, March 13, 7:30 pm at the LA Stake Center. Click here to RSVP on facebook so your friends know you're attending and invite others!

Ongoing Programs
Apartment Available:
1 BD, 1 BA Apartment for rent at Santa Monica and Pelham for $1300 per month. Please contact for more information. Click here to share this post with a friend.
Ready, Set, Prepare: Item of the Month: Fuel and Light. Email Natlie Marsh with questions and for more information:
LA Stake Employment & Networking: Click here to join the Stake Facebook Group!
Visiting & Home Teaching: Don't forget to report your teaching for March and make apointments with your teachees for April.

Looking Ahead
Emergency Preparedness Fair:
Saturday, March 19, 9am–12pm at the Westwood Building, more information to follow. Babysitting will be provided with fun emergency-prep activities, see flyer below for more information. Click here to RSVP on facebook so your friends know you're attending and invite others!
Stake Networking Night: Thurs, Mar 24, 7:30 pm at the LA Stake Center. Anyone is welcome to attend, but we especially encourage current job seekers. Refreshments and food will be provided. Contact if you need more information or would like to attend.
LA Visitors' Center Programs: Come Unto Christ—a Musical Fireside with the LA1st Ward's YSA on Sunday, March 27 at 7 pm.
March Relief Society Service Project: Wednesday, March 30, 7 pm at the WW Building Cultural Hall. Join our fellow RS sisters for a "Sit & Serve" Activity. We'll be rotating stations to create and compile items for those in need. We may be tying a quilt or two, *creating knit hats for cancer patients, or writing letters to military personnel. In any case, you'll be able to enjoy each other's company, socialize, learn a new skill/hobby and enjoy the blessings of service! If you feel your kids could benefit from this service opportunity, you are welcome to bring them. * Kirsten Andersen will be teaching us to crochet hats that will be donated to women in the Tower Hemtology and Oncology Medical Group. Needles and looms will be used to learn so bring them if you have them! Otherwise, all supplies will be provided.
Youth Service Auction: Saturday, April 9, 7–9pm—please see flyer below for more information.

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