February 7, 2011

February 7–13

Monday, February 7
Resume, Cover Letter & www.ldsjobs.org Profile Help:
Every Monday except holidays at the LA California Employment Resource Center 9:30am–3 pm. Click here for more information.
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7 pm at the Westwood Building, contact Emily Anthon for information.

Tuesday, February 8
The Career Workshop for Professionals:
Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. Click here for more information.

Wednesday, February 9
Book of Mormon Class:
7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Thursday, February 10
The Career Workshop for Professionals:
Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. Click here for more information.

Sunday, February 13
Ward Choir Practice:
8 am in the Choir Loft every Sunday, all are welcome, babysitting will be provided.
Regular Church Meetings: 9 am–12 pm. 9 am: Sacrament Meeting. 10:20 am: Relief Society, Priesthood, YW/YM, Primary: 11:20 am: Sunday School, Primary.

Looking Ahead
Relief Society Service Project with Project Angel Food:
Wed, Feb 23 6–8 pm in North Hollywood, location TBA. We will meet to prepare grocery and nutritional bags for distribution through the Necessities of Life Program, which provides food and other basic necessities to low-income people living with HIV/AIDS. Although they will not give out the address of the service location until the day before the activity, we do know that it will be in North Hollywood. this activity is for people 18 yrs and older. For more information on this charity visit www.projectangelfood.org. Click here to RSVP on Facebook so your friends know you're attending and invite others!
Stake Networking Night: Thurs, Feb 24, 7:30 pm at the LA Stake Center. Anyone is welcome to attend, but we especially encourage current job seekers. Refreshments and food will be provided. Contact ww2livework@hotmail.com if you need more information or would like to attend. Click here to RSVP on facebook so your friends know you're attending and invite others!
Stake Day in the Temple: Sat, Feb 26, LA Temple: More information to follow. Click here to RSVP on facebook so your friends know you're attending and invite others!

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