April 5, 2010

April 5–11

Monday, April 5
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm. Contact Emily Anthon with questions.

Tuesday, April 6
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.
Temple Sealings: 5–7 pm at the LA Temple. 4 men & 4 women are needed. Please contact Debra Parker at 310-488-7409 to participate.

Wednesday, April 7
Book of Mormon Class: 7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Saturday, April 10
Family Hike: Meet at WW Chapel at 10 am or meet at Solstice Canyon at 10:30. Hike is located on Corral Canyon Road, N. of PCH in Malibu. Pet friendly, strollers & wheelchairs welcome. Bring sack lunches and a spiritual message will be shared.

Sunday, April 11
Choir Practice: Every Sunday, 11 am in the Seminary room. Childcare & refreshments provided.
Fast and Testimony Sacrament Meeting: 12–3 pm
Break the Fast: 3 pm in the Cultural Hall directly following Sacrament Meeting. Please volunteer to provide food for Italian gathering. 20 people are needed to make pasta salads for 10-12 People and 15 people are needed to make desserts (cookies or brownies) by Friday. We also need 5 volunteers to help make sandwiches on Saturday. Please confirm what you will bring and if you can volunteer by emailing LDSTempleBound@ca.rr.com as soon as possible.
Monthly Family History Night: High Priest Group–7:30pm at the Marsh home for Family History Night. Bring your laptops & waffle toppings!

Save The Date
Ward Conference: Sunday, April 18
Faith in God—Stake-wide Primary Event: Sunday, April 18, 5–7 pm for children ages 8–11 and their parents. Los Angeles Stake Center, light refreshments will be served.
Stake Temple Night: Thursday, April 22. Chapel session at 6:45 followed by an Endowment session at 7:30 pm.
Stake Youth Conference: Friday & Saturday, April 23–24
Ward Blood Drive: Saturday, April 24, WW Building, 8 am to 2 pm. Appointment only. Visit http://www.westwood2nd.com/ to make an appointment.
Mormon Helping Hands: Sat, May 8, 8 am–12 noon. Celebrate the church-wide Mormon Helping Hands Day by cleaning up Griffith Park. Activities for all abilities will be available. Watch for more announcements.
Relief Society Women's Conference: Saturday, May 22 at the LA Stake Center from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Please visit http://www.lastakereliefsociety.blogspot.com/ to vote for classes and read updates.

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