March 1, 2010

March 1–7

Monday, March 1
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm. Call Emily Anthon with questions.

Wednesday, March 3
Ward Temple Baptisms:
7 pm at the LA Temple. Our ward will be doing Temple Baptisms, new members are especially encouraged to attend—Be sure to bring your Temple Recommends! Priesthood needed.
Book of Mormon Class: 7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Saturday, March 6
Stake Youth Service Auction: 7:30 pm at the Westwood Chapel. CLICK HERE to donate/register online and for more information.

Sunday, March 7
CHOIR PRACTICE CANCELED MARCH 7 & 14. Next practice to be March 11 at 7 pm in the Choir Loft in the Westwood Chapel.
Regular Church Meetings: 12:00 pm–3:00 pm
Break The Fast: 3 pm in the cultural hall. We are having a Taco Salad Potluck. The ward will provide the taco meat. We need people to bring tortilla chips, Iceberg/Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, green onions, black/pinto beans, shredded cheese, sour cream, salsa, dressing, etc. Please sign up to bring a food item and contact Debra Parker at or 310-488-7409 by this Thursday evening (March 4th)! Please bring the food item ready to serve (washed and chopped) and enough to feed 10 people. Please also invite your visiting teachers/home teachers and nonmember friends and we encourage everyone to sit by someone they do not know so we can get to know one another better!
Family History Center: Foundation Course at the Santa Monica 1st Ward Chapel from 6–9pm. CLICK HERE for more information and to register.

Save The Date
Relief Society Strengthening Home & Family Activity: Saturday, March 13th at 10:00 am at the church. Come learn how to change the car oil, a tire, what to keep in our travel safety kits, and basic troubleshooting to keep us safe and our cars in good shape. The class will be taught by Tahlee Scarpitti.
Relief Society Faith & Personal Righteousness Activity: Relief Society Temple Day on Thursday, March 18th. We will meet for a morning AND evening session at 9:30 am and 7:30 pm. Please meet at the blue bench prior to the session. If anyone is in need of childcare please contact Linda Smith.
Relief Society Service Project: Relief Society Birthday Celebration on Thursday, March 25th at 6:30 pm at the Westwood Chapel. We will be hosting a service project for My Stuff Bags. We will be tying blankets, knitting hats, making stuffed animals and collecting toiletry items to be donated to this great cause! We will also be arranging a date afterwards to go to their facility to bring these items and help with putting bags together to be delivered to the children.

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