January 4, 2010

January 4 through January 10

Monday, January 4
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm. Call Emily Anthon with questions.

Wednesday, January 6
Temple Sealing Assignment: 5-7 pm. Nobody has signed up yet and still we need four men and four women. Please contact Debra Parker if you are available.
Book of Mormon Class: 7:30 pm. Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Sunday, January 10
Regular Church Meetings: 12:00 pm–3:00 pm, Westwood Chapel. Note new 2010 meeting times!
Monthly Family History Night: High Priest Group–7:30pm at the Marsh home for family History Night. Bring your laptops & waffle toppings!

Save The Date
January 16: 12th Annual Community Day. Established by Bishop Edward Turner and Sheriff Lee Baca, this event will be on Saturday, January 16th and they are looking for volunteers to help distribute food and clothing to the needy. Please contact Elder or Sister Smith at the Public Affairs Office (800-533-2444) if you wish to participate.
January 22: 7 pm, Meet at Alisa Griner's home. We will be tying quilts for an orphanage in Monterrey, Mexico. The orphanage is in great need of blankets as they have been wrapping newborns in newspapers. Homemade cinnamon rolls and hot cocoa will be served. Please invite your visiting teachers, neighbors and friends for this wonderful opportunity to serve!

Happy New Year!

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