December 7, 2009

This Week's Events!

Monday, December 7
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm Classic FHE & Lights at the Westwood Chapel. Call Billy Gonzalez with questions.

Wednesday, December 9
Book of Mormon Class:
7:30 pm. Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Thursday, December 10
Relief Society Cookie Exchange: 7:00 pm at the Westwood Chapel. Please bring 3 dozen cookies and copies of your recipe to share. We will be also taking plates of cookies and caroling for other sisters in the ward.

Sunday, December 13
Regular Church Meetings: 10:40 am–1:40 pm, Westwood Chapel
Monthly Family History Night: High Priest Group–7:30pm at the Marsh home for family History Night. Bring your laptops & waffle toppings!

Ongoing—We are collecting food donations to provide holiday meals for families in need, so please bring any canned or non-perishable food item to donate. There are two huge boxes in the cultural hall labeled "Food Drive". Please bring food items that you would traditionally find in a holiday meal (instant mashed potatoes, canned green beans, canned gravy, etc.)
—Please bring an ornament to donate either to the Cookie Exchange this Thursday or to Relief Society this Sunday. We will be collecting ornaments to bring some holiday cheer to families in need.

Save The Date
Before Tonight–A Musical Nativity:
Sunday, Dec 20, 7 pm, LA Stake Center and Saturday, Dec 19, 7 pm, Arcadia Foothill Stake Center. Multi-stake Christmas Production—a concert of original music and spoken word celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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