August 29, 2011

August 29-September 4

Monday, August 29
Resume, Cover Letter & Profile Help:
Every Monday except holidays at the LA California Employment Resource Center 9:30am–3 pm. Learn more.
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm contact Brenda Smith for information.

Tuesday, August 30
Yoga Class: Every Tuesday at 7 pm at the Westwood Building. Classes taught by Jennifer Sachs (Rebecca Panther's Daughter). Jennifer is working on her Yoga Certification and is offering free yoga classes for the sisters of our ward and their friends!

Wednesday, August 31
Last Summer BBQ/Chili Cook-Off: 6:00 pm at the Westwood Building in the Ballfield BBQ Pits by Home Plate, 10740 Ohio Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Bring your best homemade chili for the cook-off! Why: Because there is nothing like BBQ'd Food to build your testimony by sharing it with the Non-Members in attendance...What to Bring: 1 - Bring a Friend (Preferably someone who needs the Gospel in their Lives) 2 - Bring whatever it is you like to Grill.... (Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Steaks, Chicken) Note: The Coals, Plates, Napkins, Utensils, and Drinks are supplied. 3 - Bring a side dish of your choosing to share with all... (Salads, Beans, Corn, Veggies, Potato Salads, Macaroni Salads. Please Re-Read What to Bring... #1 See You Wednesday 6:00pm !!!
Book of Mormon Class: 7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Sunday, September 4
Ward Choir:
8 am in the Choir Loft every Sunday. All are welcome, babysitting and refreshments will be provided. Call Dawn Neal with questions.
Regular Church Meetings: 9 am-12 pm. 9 am: Sacrament Meeting. 10:20 am: Relief Society, Priesthood, YW/YM, Primary. 11:20 am: Sunday School, Primary.

For your Information

Deseret Industries Bin: Will be available for donations in the Westwood Building parking lot from September 17 through October 1, 2011. Learn more.

Upload Your Photo:
Visit and log in to upload your photo to our new online directory and print a new photo directory from home. Learn more.

The Los Angeles Family History Library: wants to remind you that we are open and are trying to offer a variety of classes to meet the needs of the community. We are also beginning to offer video training classes from the FamilySearch Wiki, which we hope will be well attended. Please visit our website and check out all of our up-coming free Saturday classes by following this link: And don't forget to check on the schedule for the Sunday night Foundation course and the Three-Day Intensive Classes are also listed at Hopefully you will find some classes of interest to you! Would you also pass the information on to your friends, neighbors, Family History Consultants, Priesthood Leaders, Ward bulletin people, etc.? We look forward to seeing you soon at LAFHL!

Addiction Recovery Program:
through The Los Angeles California Stake/LDS Family Services. Confidential recovery and support groups for individuals and family members. For more information, call 424.255.8277 or email Learn more about meeting schedules.

Relief Society Preparedness Corner/Item of the Month: Stuff you need to open and eat your food! Now is the time to look at the food you have put in your 72 hour kit and figure out how you are going to eat it. If your food requires silverware, plates, cups and can openers, stock up on these items ASAP. If you'd like Natalie to help you acquire these types of items, please contact her at

LA Stake Employment & Networking: Click here to join the Stake Facebook Group—Be sure to also visit our Ward Employment Blog.

Home & Visiting Teaching: August Visiting Teaching Message and August Home Teaching Message.

Stake Networking Night: Always the last Thursday of the month at the LA Stake Center at 7:30 pm. Click here to learn more.

Group Soccer: Every Saturday at the Ball Field from 9am to 11am.

Looking Ahead

Super Saturday at the LA Family History Library: Featuring classes on from 11am-5pm on Saturday, September 3.

Stake Melchizedek Priesthood Meeting: Saturday, September 10 at 9 am at the LA Stake Center. For all Melchizedek Preisthood holders.

The General Women's Broadcast: Aired on Saturday, September 24th at the Stake Center 1209 S. Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, CA 90019. Dinner provided at 4 pm with the broadcast starting at 5 pm. Dessert will follow the broadcast. Learn more.

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