January 7, 2011

Free Conference focusing on Mormon Women

Women's Lives, Women's Voices: Agency in the Lives of Mormon Women
Saturday, February 5 10 am–4 pm
Please join us for a one day conference in which we explore the choices, insights, and agency of Mormon women. Our keynote speakers will be Aileen Clyde, former 2nd Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency, and her granddaughter Emily Clyde Curtis, co-editor of the Exponent II magazine. Other Speakers will address theories of agency and subjectivity in women's lives as well as themes found in CGU's Mormon Women's Oral History Project.
The conference is free and open to the public. A catered lunch will be provided free for those who register by January 23, 2011—To register, email cgumormonwomenlivesconf@gmail.com
Albrecht Auditorium, School of Religion Claremont Graduate University Claremont, CA

Schedule (Subject to change)

10am—Claudia Bushman, Professor, Claremont Graduate University
Introduction and Welcome
10:30—Aileen Clyde and Emily Clyde Curtis
Keynote address "Running With It" Abstract: "It" can be our imagination or our duty, our wish to serve, our opportunities or our need to know or do. "It" is also an expression of our agency as women. The most simple and accessible ingredient we have to enliven one another or to run with is our stories.Even if we only share fragments, the more we exchange the more we understand and reach one another.
11:30—Amy Hoyt, PhD, Claremont Graduate University
"Agency and the American LDS Woman"
12pm—Catered Lunch 1:00—Deidre Green, Claremont Graduate University
Naming the Self, World and God: LDS Women's Narratives"
1:30—Caroline Kline, Claremont Graduate University
"Competing Demands and Divided Loyalty: Navigating Self and Other in a Mormon Context"
2:15—Elisa Pulido, Claremont Graduate University
"I Hope They Call Me on a Mission: Mormon Women and the Great Expectation"
3:00—Panel (to be announced)
3:45—Closing Remarks by Claudia Bushman

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