December 6, 2010

December 6–12

Monday, December 6
Resume, Cover Letter & Profile Help: Every Monday except holidays at the LA California Employment Resource Center 9:30am–3 pm. Click here for more information.
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7 pm at the Westwood Building, contact Emily Anthon for information.

Tuesday, December 7
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. Click here for more information.

Wednesday, December 8
Book of Mormon Class: 7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.

Thursday, December 9
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. Click here for more information.

Saturday, December 11
Victoria Rivera’s Baptism: Saturday, December 11, 5 pm at the Stake Center.

Sunday, December 12
Ward Choir Practice: 10:45 am in the Seminary Room at the Westwood Chapel. All are welcome, refreshments served and babysitting available.
Regular Church Meetings: 12–3 pm. Relief Society, Priesthood, YW/YM, Primary: 12–12:50 am. Sunday School: 1–1:40 pm. Sacrament Meeting: 1:50–3 pm.

Missionary Christmas Gifts: Christmas gifts for the missionaries are being compiled to give to Sister Baker of the LDS LA Mission Home to distribute to our LA Missionaries who may not receive anything from home this Christmas. There is a box in the Relief Society room to place anything you'd like to donate. No wrapping necessary. Gifts will be accepted through December 14. Some ideas: short-sleeved, white shirts (14.5"–15.5" necks are requested), MoTab Choir CDs, socks, ties, set of scripture pencils, Christmas candy, ladies hosiery, etc.

Save The Date
Relief Society Christmas Cookie Exchange: Tuesday, December 14 at 7 pm at the Westwood Building. We'll be listening to Christmas music, sipping hot cocoa and helping to compile 12 Days of Christmas gift boxes for sisters in our ward. Sister that attend will be able to take home a plate of cookies and scriptures to read each day up until Christmas that remind us of the 12 special witnesses to the season! Anyone that would like to help make deliveries that evening can help too!
Ward Christmas Party: Sat, Dec 18, 5:30 pm at the WW Building. Please RSVP to JayBird at 310.429.5143 or Families with last names starting with A-L, please bring a side dish. M-Z, please bring a dessert. Bring your singing voices, kids, friends and expect a visit from Santa Claus. For families who feel fortunate this year, please also bring some sparkling apple cider to add to the festivities.
Richard & Julie’s Baptisms: Sun, Dec 26 at the LA Stake Center, more information to follow.

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