August 30, 2010

August 30–September 5

Monday, August 30
Resume, Cover Letter & LDSJOBS Profile Help: Every Monday except holidays at the LA California Employment Resource Center 9:30am–3 pm. CLICK HERE for more information.
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm at the Westwood Building.

Tuesday, August 31
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.

Wednesday, September 1
Visitors Center Relief Society & Family Night:
7 pm. Meet at the Visitors Center.
Book of Mormon Class: 7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.

Thursday, September 2
The Career Workshop:
Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.

Sunday, September 5
Choir Practice: On hiatus until further notice.
Regular Church Meetings: 12–3 pm

Save The Date
Church Building Cleaning: Saturday, September 4, 11, 18, & 25 @ 9 am. The Relief Society is in charge of cleaning the building for the entire month of September. The more people we have, obviously the faster it will go. Let's get in there and dust some baseboards... and other things. Bring your ipod (& your kid) if you have one while you clean to your own beat! RSVP to Linda Smith @
Primary Back to School Party: Thursday, September 9, 10am–12pm in the Westwood Building parking lot. All primary children are invited to bring their bikes and see their Primary friends, ride their bikes, & play a fun game to test your back-to-school "faith smarts!" Need a ride to the activity? Don't have a bike handy? Call Krisha Deaver & we'll work it out: 310.913.0706.
Volunteer Opportunity:
4 sisters are needed for Temple Sealings on Friday, September 10th, 5–7 pm. If you can attend, please RSVP ASAP to Alisa Griner via email:
Stake Temple Night: Thursday, September 16th at 9:30 am. Initiatories and/or 6:45 PM - Chapel Session @ the Temple
Independent Income Seminar: September 18, 9 am–12 noon. Learn from nationally recognized entrepreneurs on how to successfully develop your business idea. You must register to attend, please see attached flyer.
Relief Society Opening Social: Saturday, September 18, 10am–1 pm at the Westwood Building. A joint effort with the Westwood 1st Ward, the program will have a 1950s theme. Classes will be taught and talents will be shared including artisan bread and freezer jam-making, basic sewing skills, handmade embossed and die-cut cards, cake and cupcake decorating, proper table setting etiquette for the holidays and table center pieces and much much more. Look for display tables and order forms on Sunday, August 29–September 12.
Fireside—Improving Gospel Teaching: Sunday, September 19 at 7 pm in the Relief Society Room (Next to the kitchen).The evening will feature and interactive presentation by our newly appointed Sunday chool President of the Westwood 2nd Ward, Paul Davis.If you are a teacher, visiting teacher, home teacher, instructor, greeter, primary teacher who teaches 8 yr. olds or above, scout leader, or a parent—this fireside is for you! Come and learn how to sharpen your skills, enhance your lessons, and teach by the spirit.Light refreshments will be served.
Relief Society Broadcast: Saturday, September 25, 5 pm. The Broadcast will air at the Stake Center. A light dinner will be served at 4 pm and the broadcast will start at 5 pm. Dessert will be served after the broadcast. This is a great opportunity for Visiting Teachers to bring those they visit teach with them to this great event. Mark this date on your calendar and plan to attend. See you there.

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