August 9, 2010

August 9–15

Monday, August 9
Resume, Cover Letter & LDSJOBS Profile Help: Every Monday except holidays at the LA California Employment Resource Center 9:30am–3 pm. CLICK HERE for more information.
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: will be at the home of Joe Robinson (not the Westwood building), where we will be breaking into groups to play your favorite games (this may or may not include Pit, Rook, Uno, Phase 10, Kill Em, Pictionary, spoons, sign game, in the manner of the adverb, reverse charades, etc) There will also be a B(ring) Y(our) O(wn) P(unch) competition. We’ve all consumed our fair share of Mormon punch, and some of it has been better than others. So bring your own homemade punch or ingredients for punch and show us what Mormon punch should taste like (this may or may not include a floating block of sherbet). Cups and ice will be provided. Hope to see you there. You will need to call Joe at 310-871-7056 to get buzzed into the building. See map: Google Maps

Tuesday, August 10
The Career Workshop for Professionals:
Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.

Wednesday, August 11
Summer BBQs:
These BBQs will run throughout the summer (ending date coming soon) at 6:30 pm every Wednesday evening at the Ball Field picnic area behind the Temple and by the Westwood Building. Bring your own meat and a side dish to share. Friends are very welcome.
Book of Mormon Class: 7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.
The Career Workshop for Professionals: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.

Thursday, August 12
The Career Workshop for Professionals: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.

Sunday, August 15
Choir Practice:
On hiatus for the month of August.
Regular Church Meetings: 12–3 pm

Save The Date
Volunteer Needed: Monday, August 16 (don’t know time). One sister is needed to help clean the temple. Please contact Carol Turley at or 310.837.3524.
Relief Society Service Activity: Tuesday, August 17 at 6 pm. Manicures at Westwood Plaza Retirement Home. 2228 Westwood Blvd, LA, CA 90064, 310.475.8861. Meet at the church at 5:30 pm to carpool or come to the Retirement home at 6 pm. We will be painting nails of the residents there, giving hand massages, playing games, and socializing.
Back to School Clothing Swap: Friday, August 20 6:30–9:30 pm at the LA Stake Center. This program is sponsored by the Adams, Wilshire, and Olympic Ward Young Women & the LA Stake MSA. Please see attached flyer for more information.
Eagle Project: August 21, 9 am–5 pm. Brandon Smith’s Eagle Project is recording the life stories of elderly individuals and then transferring these memories onto DVD's, which will be given to the families of the individuals. He plans to complete his project on August 21, 2010 at the Westwood building. He hopes to get both volunteers to help him complete the project as well as volunteers who would like to be recorded. Bring your parents or grandparents to get their life stories recorded, which should take approximately one hour, and you will be given a precious record to keep of your loved ones! If you have any questions, please call Brandon at (310) 557-3018 and refer to the flyer attached. Tri-Stake MSA Activity: Saturday, August 21 at 8:30 pm at the Westwood Building Ball Field. Join us for a classic movie drive-in projected onto a screen on the Ball Field. Watch from your car or bring blankets and lawn chairs. See attached flyer for more information. 3 Women Volunteers Needed: Monday, August 23 from 11:30 am–1:30 pm. Three sister volunteers are needed to serve food to 100’s of missionaries who will be attending the LA Stake’s Missionary Zone Conference. We aren’t cooking the food, just serving it. Please RSVP to Carol Turley if you are able to help. and 310.837.3524
LA Stake Fireside: August 29, 7 pm at the Stake Center. Julie Cawley Hanson—2nd Soprano, Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Independent Income Seminar: September 18, 9 am–12 noon. Learn from nationally recognized entrepreneurs on how to successfully develop your business idea. You must register to attend, please see attached flyer.

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