August 2, 2010

August 2–8

Monday, August 2
Resume, Cover Letter & LDSJOBS Profile Help:
Every Monday except holidays at the LA California Employment Resource Center 9:30am–3 pm. CLICK HERE for more information.
Mid Single Adults Family Home Evening: 7:30 pm at the Westwood Building! Contact Emily Anthon with questions.

Tuesday, August 3
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.
Temple Sealings: 5-7 pm. 4 men and 4 women are needed. Please contact Debra Parker to participate.

Wednesday, August 4
Summer BBQs: This week at our Ward BBQ, Wednesday, August 4th at 6:30PM we've got some cool stuff going on! Please join us as we welcome home Debbie Sanchez who has returned from her mission in the Dominican Republic. After the BBQ (don't forget to bring your own meat and a side dish to share), we will be showing the animated movie "UP" at dusk on the ball field for everyone to enjoy. Please bring blankets to sit on, or your own beach chair and of course blankets to keep warm as it can get a bit chilly on the ball field after the sun goes down. As always, please don't be shy about bringing a friend or neighbor to join the summer fun.
These BBQs will run throughout the summer (ending date coming soon) at 6:30 pm every Wednesday evening at the Ball Field picnic area behind the Temple and by the Westwood Building. Bring your own meat and a side dish to share. Friends are very welcome.
Book of Mormon Class: 7 pm—Taught by full-time missionaries every Wednesday at the LA Stake Center.
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.

Thursday, August 5
The Career Workshop: Los Angeles California Employment Resource Center 9am–4:30pm. CLICK HERE for more information.
Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium: 7 pm. CLICK HERE for more information.

Saturday, August 7
Los Angeles Visitors' Center: Reopens to the public!

Sunday, August 8
Choir Practice: On hiatus for the month of August.
Regular Church Meetings: 12–3 pm
RS Welch Night: Come join the Relief Society for Welch night on Sunday, August 8th at 7 pm at the home of Alisa Griner (see directory for address). We will be having an evening to learn about Welch culture and sample a little Welch food from Gil (Davison) Rider. She and John will be moving soon, so this will be your last opportunity to say goodbye!

Save The Date
LA Stake Fireside: August 29, 7 pm at the Stake Center. Julie Cawley Hanson—2nd Soprano, Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

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